CA - Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine
            Supplemental questions location: admissions website.
            Required for all applicants:
            ●	Please explain why you chose to apply to WesternU’s College of Dental Medicine (500 words)
            Optional for all applicants:
            â—Ź	If you have any additional information you would like the Admissions and Selection Committee to consider or aspects of your application which you think may seem confusing or incomplete as they are stated elsewhere, you can upload a Word or PDF document (limit to one page).
            You may also use this as an opportunity to explain factors such as:
            â—‹	factors that may have had a negative effect on some aspect of your academic performance,
            â—‹	experience in dentistry, including virtual experiences,
            â—‹	extracurricular/volunteerism/community service, and
            â—‹	why you are applying to the Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine specifically